Youth Ministry Calendar

  • I like that our lessons are biblically-based and provide encouragement to our children to apply the lesson in their lives.


  • As parents of a pre-verbal autistic son, we appreciate how much love and patience is shown toward our little guy.

    Jared & Stephanie

  • Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more

    Quote source

  • Maybe you have a creative project to share with the world

    Quote source


It’s more than dodgeball and all-nighters! We’re dedicated to inviting students to “come and see” Jesus Christ (John 1:46), equipping them with a theologically sound understanding of the Bible, and providing guidance and encouragement for those who have chosen to follow Jesus (Matthew 4:19a).

Teenagers are not the “someday in the future” church — they are an integral part of the Church today who should be encouraged to participate in the life of the local church (Hebrews 10:25).

Engrained with all the games, events, food, and time with friends is the underlying goal of young followers of Jesus becoming “fishers of people” (Matthew 4:19b) who are able to share their faith with friends, family, and neighbors (1 Peter 3:15).

    • Opening Time with prayer

    • Council Time with singing and an age appropriate object lesson

    • Handbook Time for working on understanding and memorizing Bible verses

    • Game Time with a fun game and snack

    • Closing Time for celebrating the evening and distributing awards & prizes

  • AWANA Clubs meet nearly every Wednesday night from September through April.

    6:10pm - 8:00pm

  • AWANA Clubs is a program designed for and open to all kids age 4 thru sixth grade.

  • AWANA Clubs at DeWitt E-Free is lead by our Children’s Ministry Director, Cindy Nees. Additionally, all of our 30+ adult volunteers who assist every week have passed a comprehensive background check.

  • Every child is checked-in when they arrive. This ensures that we know who is in the building every Wednesday night. Each child’s registration profile is connected to a parent or guardian’s so we know who to contact in case of an emergency. If you need to update your information, you can do so by clicking the button at the top of this page or by speaking to one of our volunteers when you drop off your child.

    Every adult volunteer has passed a background check before being allowed to participate with AWANA Clubs at DeWitt E-Free.

Sunday School

We believe every child should know that Jesus loves them unconditionally! It’s our desire to help kids of all ages develop a deep understanding of the Bible so that they are able to make wise decisions every day. Both is accomplished through scripture memorization at AWANA!

  • We want all kids to know they are part of the Church! We begin the service together and after some time of praise and song, kids are welcome to either go to Children’s Church or stay in the worship service with their parents.

    Nursery is available to those 3 years and under if desired.

  • It’s ok! We understand that kids can be loud. Jesus told his disciples not prevent the little children from coming to him so that’s how we want to respond — everyone is welcome!

  • We usually have a small skit of some kind around Christmas and Easter for the kids to participate in.